
Theparkisfrequentedbythosewholovewildlifespotting,birdwatching,hiking,horsebackriding,stargazingandscenicdrives.,2023年6月14日—TheodoreRooseveltNationalParkisoneofthebestplacestoreadilyviewthemosticonicanimalsoftheWest.Adogwearinga ...,VisitorsgettheirfirstrealglimpseoftheBadlandsfromtheoverlookatthePaintedCanyonVisitorCenteronInterstate94,eastofMedora.,TheodoreRooseveltNationalParkisanAmerica...

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

The park is frequented by those who love wildlife spotting, birdwatching, hiking, horseback riding, stargazing and scenic drives.

Plan Your Visit

2023年6月14日 — Theodore Roosevelt National Park is one of the best places to readily view the most iconic animals of the West. A dog wearing a ...

8 Things to see and do in Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Visitors get their first real glimpse of the Badlands from the overlook at the Painted Canyon Visitor Center on Interstate 94, east of Medora.

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Theodore Roosevelt National Park is an American national park of the badlands in western North Dakota comprising three geographically separated areas.

Theodore Roosevelt National Park (U.S. ...

2024年2月25日 — Wildlife abounds at TRNP! The park's prairie ecosystem is teaming with a variety of mammal, bird, reptile, and insect species.